How are #Algorand inscriptions different.

28 Dec 2023, 18:21
How are #Algorand inscriptions different? 🤔 Just like the typical #algorandnfts, an inscription can be sold, traded, sent and held. The big difference is #inscriptions store the image/video file for the NFT on the chain itself. Permanent and decentralized 🦄

Same news in other sources

AlgorandALGO #54
28 Dec 2023, 18:30
Congratulations to @travelx__ on their partnership with @VivaAerobus , a leading green airline based in Mexico! They will be working together to convert tickets into digital assets on the #Algorand Blockchain ✈️
Congratulations to @travelx__ on their partnership with @VivaAerobus , a leading green airline based in Mexico.
Congratulations to @travelx__ on their partnership with @VivaAerobus , a leading green airline based in Mexico! They will be working together to convert tickets into digital assets on the #Algorand Blockchain ✈️